FAST Training

Saturday April 15 would prove to be a busy one for our members. EAFD and Livonia firefighters got the day started early with FAST training put on by FAST Rescue Solutions, with instructors from the Philadelphia and Raleigh, NC Fire Departments. As EAFD and LFD routinely work together at structure fires, the specialized training proves to be mutually beneficial. Both EAFD and Livonia carry FAST Boards on our apparatus making firefighter rescue much easier than with the older, bulkier equipment. Shout out to Rush firefighters for covering our district while we attended the training!

After returning from training, EAFD firefighters were alerted to a 2-Alarm barn fire on Wheatland Center Rd. in Mumford FD’s district. Members spent several hours on scene assisting in water supply. Livonia FD was placed on stand-by to cover both East Avon and Livonia districts until we returned from Monroe County.

Photos Courtesy of:
Jeff Arnold –…/fireph…/sets/72177720307551479/
Jay Lynch –